Careful consideration of every detail. That is how we make our contribution to sustainable tourism.

At Woodridge, our guests live consciously with and from nature. This begins with our CO²-neutral chalets, in the style of traditional Canadian log cabins. These houses gently blend into the landscape and not only exude the magical scent of cedar and spruce, they are also completely free of pollutants. And the interiors? Here we also stick to our principles, from organic cosmetics and toiletries to green electricity.

Throughout Woodridge, the preservation of natural cycles is fundamental to every construction measure. All the paths are made of simple natural gravel, for example, so that water can seep away unhindered. In the gardens guests can discover an unbelievable variety of native animals and plants, because we fertilize only with air and love. Insects are welcome to live here with us too. Untreated wooden fences serve as a natural complement to the ecosystem.

Our contribution

  • You will be supporting regional agriculture. We buy most of our food from the local farmers shop
  • Milk and eggs come directly from neighbouring farms
  • We deliver our organic breakfast in recyclable packaging and glass containers
  • Our central heating runs on wood; a renewable energy resource 
  • We run the whole Woodridge complex with green electricity; motion detectors avoid unnecessary consumption
  • We all separate waste carefully and recycle throughout the complex
  • Flow limiters help to control water consumption
  • Our bathroom amenities are 100% biodegradable
  • The firewood for your fireplace is dried for at least two years and therefore only emits as much CO² as it absorbed when growing
  • We clean exclusively with ecological cleaning products
  • Each printout is made on recycled paper
  • Our baggage transport is 100% electric: no emissions, no noise

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